Modification of Mesoscale Convective Weather Systems

J. Michael Fritsch Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

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Modification of mesoscale convective weather systems through ice-phase seeding is briefly reviewed. a simple mathematical framework for estimating the likely mesoscale response to convective cloud modification is presented, and previous mesoscale modification hypotheses are discussed in the context of this mathematical framework. Some basic differences between cloud-scale and mesoscale modification hypotheses are also discussed. Numerical model experiments to test the mesoscale sensitivity of convective weather systems are reviewed, and several focal points for identifying mesoscale modification potential are presented.


Modification of mesoscale convective weather systems through ice-phase seeding is briefly reviewed. a simple mathematical framework for estimating the likely mesoscale response to convective cloud modification is presented, and previous mesoscale modification hypotheses are discussed in the context of this mathematical framework. Some basic differences between cloud-scale and mesoscale modification hypotheses are also discussed. Numerical model experiments to test the mesoscale sensitivity of convective weather systems are reviewed, and several focal points for identifying mesoscale modification potential are presented.
