Some Educational Innovations in Radar Meteorology

Steven A. Rutledge Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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V. Chandrasekar Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Great strides have been made over the past decades in educating radar meteorologists. These advances appear to be loosely associated with the arrival of new hardware in the field, for example, Doppler radars followed by polarimetric radars. Many radar meteorologists received a substantial portion of their early training through participation in field programs utilizing this new hardware. In this study, a brief look at the evolution of radar education will first be offered, followed by an assessment of the current state of this field. Finally, a view of the future will be offered. Future educational thrusts in radar meteorology will take full advantage of Internet technology, allowing radar systems to be brought into remote classrooms in a “virtual” sense. This study is purposely limited to meteorological radar and is focused on graduate-level education.


Great strides have been made over the past decades in educating radar meteorologists. These advances appear to be loosely associated with the arrival of new hardware in the field, for example, Doppler radars followed by polarimetric radars. Many radar meteorologists received a substantial portion of their early training through participation in field programs utilizing this new hardware. In this study, a brief look at the evolution of radar education will first be offered, followed by an assessment of the current state of this field. Finally, a view of the future will be offered. Future educational thrusts in radar meteorology will take full advantage of Internet technology, allowing radar systems to be brought into remote classrooms in a “virtual” sense. This study is purposely limited to meteorological radar and is focused on graduate-level education.
