Surface Fluxes and the Nocturnal Boundary-Layer Height

J. R. Garratt National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307

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The Zilitenkevitch relation for nocturnal boundary-layer (NBL) depth h in terms of scales u*/f and L is necessarily a poor predictor of h when single-point values of surface fluxes are used. This is because the latter are poor estimates of ensemble-mean fluxes which satisfy this relation. The argument is equally valid both in an evolving and equilibrium NBL.


The Zilitenkevitch relation for nocturnal boundary-layer (NBL) depth h in terms of scales u*/f and L is necessarily a poor predictor of h when single-point values of surface fluxes are used. This is because the latter are poor estimates of ensemble-mean fluxes which satisfy this relation. The argument is equally valid both in an evolving and equilibrium NBL.
