Numerical Simulations of Airflows and Tracer Transport in the Southwestern United States

Tetsuji Yamada Yamada Science and Art Corporation, Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Project MOHAVE (Measurement of Haze and Visual Effects) produced a unique set of tracer data over the southwestern United States. During the summer of 1992, a perfluorocarbon tracer gas was released from the Mohave Power Project (MPP), a large coal-fired facility in southern Nevada. Three-dimensional atmospheric models, the Higher-Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation–Random Puff Transport and Diffusion (HOTMAC–RAPTAD), were used to simulate the concentrations of tracer gas that were observed during a portion of the summer intensive period of Project MOHAVE. The study area extended from northwestern Arizona to southern Nevada and included Lake Mead, the Colorado River Valley, the Grand Canyon National Park, and MPP. The computational domain was 368 km in the east–west direction by 252 km in the north–south direction. Rawinsonde and radar wind profiler data were used to provide initial and boundary conditions to HOTMAC simulations. HOTMAC with a horizontal grid spacing of 4 km was able to simulate the diurnal variations of drainage and upslope flows along the Grand Canyon and Colorado River Valley. HOTMAC also captured the diurnal variations of turbulence, which played important roles for the transport and diffusion simulations by RAPTAD. The modeled tracer gas concentrations were compared with observations. The model’s performance was evaluated statistically.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Tetsuji Yamada, Yamada Science and Art Corporation, Rt. 4 Box 81-A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.


Project MOHAVE (Measurement of Haze and Visual Effects) produced a unique set of tracer data over the southwestern United States. During the summer of 1992, a perfluorocarbon tracer gas was released from the Mohave Power Project (MPP), a large coal-fired facility in southern Nevada. Three-dimensional atmospheric models, the Higher-Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation–Random Puff Transport and Diffusion (HOTMAC–RAPTAD), were used to simulate the concentrations of tracer gas that were observed during a portion of the summer intensive period of Project MOHAVE. The study area extended from northwestern Arizona to southern Nevada and included Lake Mead, the Colorado River Valley, the Grand Canyon National Park, and MPP. The computational domain was 368 km in the east–west direction by 252 km in the north–south direction. Rawinsonde and radar wind profiler data were used to provide initial and boundary conditions to HOTMAC simulations. HOTMAC with a horizontal grid spacing of 4 km was able to simulate the diurnal variations of drainage and upslope flows along the Grand Canyon and Colorado River Valley. HOTMAC also captured the diurnal variations of turbulence, which played important roles for the transport and diffusion simulations by RAPTAD. The modeled tracer gas concentrations were compared with observations. The model’s performance was evaluated statistically.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Tetsuji Yamada, Yamada Science and Art Corporation, Rt. 4 Box 81-A, Santa Fe, NM 87501.

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