This article examines the radial dependence of the height of the maximum wind speed in a hurricane, which is found to lower with increasing inertial stability (which in turn depends on increasing wind speed and decreasing radius) near the eyewall. The leveling off, or limiting value, of the marine drag coefficient in high winds is also examined. The drag coefficient, given similar wind speeds, is smaller for smaller-radii storms; enhanced sea spray by short or breaking waves is speculated as a cause. A fitting technique of dropsonde wind profiles is used to model the shape of the vertical profile of mean horizontal wind speeds in the hurricane boundary layer, using only the magnitude and radius of the “gradient” wind. The method slightly underestimates the surface winds in small but intense storms, but errors are less than 5% near the surface. The fit is then applied to a slab layer hurricane wind field model, and combined with a boundary layer transition model to estimate surface winds over both marine and land surfaces.
Corresponding author address: Peter J. Vickery, 8540 Colonnade Center Drive, Suite 307, Raleigh, NC 27615. Email: pvickery@ara.com