In this study, the accuracy of a simulated infrared brightness temperature dataset derived from a unique large-scale, high-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulation is evaluated through a comparison with Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) observations. Overall, the analysis revealed that the simulated brightness temperatures realistically depict many of the observed features, although several large discrepancies were also identified. The similar shapes of the simulated and observed probability distributions calculated for each infrared band indicate that the model simulation realistically depicted the cloud morphology and relative proportion of clear and cloudy pixels. A traditional error analysis showed that the largest model errors occurred over central Africa because of a general mismatch in the locations of deep tropical convection and intervening regions of clear skies and low-level cloud cover. A detailed inspection of instantaneous brightness temperature difference (BTD) imagery showed that the modeling system realistically depicted the radiative properties associated with various cloud types. For instance, thin cirrus clouds along the edges of deep tropical convection and within midlatitude cloud shields were characterized by much larger 10.8 − 12.0-μm BTD than optically thicker clouds. Simulated ice clouds were effectively discriminated from liquid clouds and clear pixels by the close relationship between positive 8.7 − 10.8-μm BTD and the coldest 10.8-μm brightness temperatures. Comparison of the simulated and observed BTD probability distributions revealed that the liquid and mixed-phase cloud-top properties were consistent with the observations, whereas the narrower BTD distributions for the colder 10.8-μm brightness temperatures indicated that the microphysics scheme was unable to simulate the full dynamic range of ice clouds.
Corresponding author address: Jason A. Otkin, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706. Email: jason.otkin@ssec.wisc.edu