The vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR) must be identified to correct estimations of rainfall rates by radar for the nonuniform beam filling associated with the vertical variation of radar reflectivity. A method for identifying VPRs from volumetric radar data is presented that takes into account the radar sampling. Physically based constraints on the vertical structure of rainfall are introduced with simple VPR models within a rainfall classification procedure defining more homogeneous precipitation patterns. The model parameters are identified in the framework of an extended Kalman filter to ensure their temporal consistency. The method is assessed using the dataset from a volume-scanning strategy for radar quantitative precipitation estimation designed in 2002 for the Bollène radar (France). The physical consistency of the retrieved VPR is evaluated. Positive results are obtained insofar as the physically based identified VPR (i) presents physically consistent shapes and characteristics considering beam effects, (ii) shows improved robustness in the difficult radar measurement context of the Cévennes–Vivarais region, and (iii) provides consistent physical insight into the rain field.