To overcome a deficiency in the standard Ku- and Ka-band dual-wavelength radar technique, a modified version of the method is introduced. The deficiency arises from ambiguities in the estimate of the mass-weighted diameter Dm of the raindrop size distribution (DSD) derived from the differential frequency ratio (DFR), defined as the difference between the radar reflectivity factors (dB) at Ku and Ka band ZKu − ZKa. In particular, for DFR values less than zero, there are two possible solutions of Dm, leading to ambiguities in the retrieved DSD parameters. It is shown that the double solutions to Dm are effectively eliminated if the DFR is modified from ZKu − ZKa to ZKu − γZKa (dB), where γ is a constant with a value less than 0.8. An optimal radar algorithm that uses the modified DFR for the retrieval of rain and Dm profiles is described. The validity and accuracy of the algorithm are tested by applying it to radar profiles that are generated from measured DSD data. Comparisons of the rain rates and Dm estimated from the modified DFR algorithm to the same hydrometeor quantities computed directly from the DSD spectra (or the truth) indicate that the modified DFR-based profiling retrievals perform fairly well and are superior in accuracy and robustness to retrievals using the standard DFR.
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This article is included in the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) special collection.