Use of the standard deviation σm of the drop mass distribution as one of the three parameters of raindrop size distribution (DSD) functions was introduced for application to disdrometer data supporting the Global Precipitation Measurement dual-frequency radar system. The other two parameters are a normalized drop number concentration Nw and the mass-weighted mean diameter Dm. This paper presents an evaluation of that formulation of the DSD functions, in two parts. First is a mathematical analysis showing that the procedure for estimating σm, along with the other DSD parameters, from disdrometer data is in essence another moment method. As such, it is subject to the biases and errors inherent in all moment methods. When the form of the DSD function is specified, it is inferior (like all moment methods) to the maximum likelihood technique for fitting parameters to sampled data. The second part is a series of sampling simulations illustrating the biases and errors involved in applying the formulation to the specific case of gamma DSDs. It leads to underestimates of σm and consequently to overestimates of the gamma shape parameter—with large root-mean-square errors. Comparison with maximum likelihood estimates shows the degree of improvement that could be obtained in the estimates of the shape parameter. The propensity to underestimate σm will be pervasive, and users of this DSD formulation should be cognizant of the biases and errors that can occur.
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