The numerical weather prediction model HARMONIE-AROME and a multiple linear regression model (referred to in this article as the TURCLIM model after the local climate observation network) were used to model surface air temperature for 25–31 July 2018 in the City of Turku, Finland, to study their performance in urban areas and surrounding rural areas. The 0200 LT (local standard time) temperatures modeled by the HARMONIE-AROME and TURCLIM models were compared to each other and against the observed temperatures to find the model best suited for modeling the urban heat island effect and other spatial temperature variabilities during heatwaves. Observed temperatures were collected from 74 sites, representing both rural and urban environments. Both models were able to reproduce the spatial nighttime temperature variation. However, HARMONIE-AROME modeled temperatures were systematically warmer than the observed temperatures in stable conditions. Spatial differences between the models were mostly related to the physiographic characteristics: for the urban areas, HARMONIE-AROME modeled on average 1.4°C higher temperatures than the TURCLIM model, while for other land-cover types, the average difference was 0.51°C at maximum. The TURCLIM model performed well when the explanatory variables were able to incorporate enough information on the surrounding physiography. Respectively, systematic cold or warm bias occurred in the areas in which the thermophysically relevant physiography was lacking or was only partly captured by the model.
Significance Statement
As more and more people are living in an urban environment, the demand for accurate urban climate modeling is growing. This study aims to understand the differences between the numerical weather prediction and multiple linear regression modeling and their limitations in modeling surface air temperature in subkilometer scale. The case study shows that models are capable of predicting the spatial variation of 0200 LT nighttime temperature during a heatwave in a high-latitude coastal city. Both models are therefore valuable assets for city planners who need accurate information about the impacts of the physiography on the urban climate. The results indicate that to improve the performance of the models, more accurate physiographic description and higher spatial resolution of the models are needed.
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