A new methodology for standardizing radar-derived elevated dual-Doppler (DD)-synthesized wind maps to the near surface is presented, leveraging the spatial variability found within the horizontal wind speed fields. The methodology is applied to a dataset collected by Texas Tech University (TTU) using two TTUKa-band mobile radar systems during the landfall of Hurricane Delta (2020) in coastal Louisiana. Relevant portions of the DD wind fields are extracted from multiple heights between 100 and 400 m above ground level, combined into 10-min segments and standardized to a reference height of 10 m and an open exposure roughness length of 0.03 m. Extractions from these standardized wind fields are compared and validated against the standardized wind measurements from a micronet of seven TTU StickNet platforms providing “ground truth” within the DD analysis domain. The validation efforts confirm the developed DD wind field standardization methodology yields robust results with correlation coefficients greater than 0.88 and mean biases less than 1%. The results of this study provide a new means for incorporating elevated DD radar data into new and existing surface wind field analysis systems geared toward generating a wind field of record during a hurricane landfall.
Significance Statement
This work presents a new methodology for using radar-generated wind fields during a hurricane landfall to support the construction of a surface wind field analysis. Because radar-based wind measurements are inherently elevated above the surface and because the wind conditions well above the ground do not directly translate to the wind conditions experienced at the ground, a method for standardizing the elevated radar wind fields to the surface provides tremendous value to generating a spatially continuous wind field of record during a hurricane landfall event to better inform event response and recovery efforts. In addition, the need for detailed wind fields of record from landfalling hurricanes that approach structural design limits is critical as a single design-level storm can alter building code return period analysis. Detailed wind fields for these high-impact events can directly inform associated updates in building codes ultimately contributing to a more resilient built environment.
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