The Convective Boundary Layer Structure from Lidar and Radiosonde Measurements during the EFEDA '91 Campaign

C. Kiemle DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

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M. Kästner DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

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C. Ehret DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

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The convective boundary layer has been investigated with an airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) during the EFEDA (European Field Experiment in a Desertification Threatened Area) campaign in June 1991 over middle Spain. For the first time, airborne DIAL water vapor measurements resolving the structure of a convection cell are presented. On 28 June, an interesting boundary layer structure has been found in the lidar aerosol and water vapor measurements, showing a wave structure with a wavelength of 4.5 km and an amplitude of 100–450 m in the residual layer. Additional radiosonde data and the analysis of the synoptic situation reveal that this wave structure is part of a wind shear-driven gravity wave.


The convective boundary layer has been investigated with an airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) during the EFEDA (European Field Experiment in a Desertification Threatened Area) campaign in June 1991 over middle Spain. For the first time, airborne DIAL water vapor measurements resolving the structure of a convection cell are presented. On 28 June, an interesting boundary layer structure has been found in the lidar aerosol and water vapor measurements, showing a wave structure with a wavelength of 4.5 km and an amplitude of 100–450 m in the residual layer. Additional radiosonde data and the analysis of the synoptic situation reveal that this wave structure is part of a wind shear-driven gravity wave.
