The normalized backscatter, σ0, observed by an altimeter at its Ku band is used to infer wind speed above the ocean surface, and for the dual-frequency TOPEX altimeter, algorithms exist to calculate wind stress and rainfall from simultaneous observations at its two frequencies (Ku band and C band). However, the creation and application of such algorithms rely on the long-term stability of an altimeter, or even coreferencing the values obtained by one altimeter to those of another. This paper proposes a method of monitoring an altimeter’s backscatter values using the constancy of the correlation between the values at its two different frequencies. Although the amplitude of the scattering by the ocean surface may vary by more than an order of magnitude, the coherency of its behavior at different spatial scales enables it to be used as a constant reference surface for dual-frequency altimetry. Using the observed close correlation between
Corresponding author address: Dr. Graham D. Quartly, James Rennell Division for Ocean Circulation, Southampton Oceanography Centre, Empress Dock, Southampton S014 3ZH, United Kingdom.