Comparison of Horizontal and Vertical Scintillometer Crosswinds during Strong Foehn with Lidar and Aircraft Measurements

Markus Furger Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, Villigen, Switzerland

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Philippe Drobinski Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

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AndréS. H. Prévôt Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, Villigen, Switzerland

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Rudolf O. Weber Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, Villigen, Switzerland

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Werner K. Graber Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, Villigen, Switzerland

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Bruno Neininger MetAir AG, Illnau, Switzerland

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Measurements of the horizontal and vertical wind component by a crosswind scintillometer during foehn, the chinooklike downslope windstorm in the Alps, are presented. Because of the sparsity of vertical velocity measurements in the immediate vicinity, the scintillometer calibration is checked mainly with horizontal wind measurements. Then it is assumed that the calibration is the same for both components. The concept was tested during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme field campaign in the autumn of 1999, during which two scintillometers were deployed. Strong, long-lasting, quasi-stationary downward motions on the order of 5 m s−1 and horizontal wind speeds of over 30 m s−1 were detected during strong foehn phases within the valley. Aircraft measurements of various transects near the light paths are compared with two crosswind evaluation techniques. One of them, the slope method, tends to overestimate the actual wind speed by about 20%, whereas the peak technique gives values that are about 10% too low for high wind speeds. The peak method also fails to measure meaningful vertical crosswind speeds. The scintillometer data of one particular foehn storm are compared with nearby Doppler lidar data. The agreement of the horizontal measurements is reasonable. Discrepancies are attributed to topographic and dynamic effects that cause significant spatial inhomogeneities in the wind field. The applicability of continuous scintillometer vertical crosswind measurements in mountainous terrain is demonstrated.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Markus Furger, Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Email:


Measurements of the horizontal and vertical wind component by a crosswind scintillometer during foehn, the chinooklike downslope windstorm in the Alps, are presented. Because of the sparsity of vertical velocity measurements in the immediate vicinity, the scintillometer calibration is checked mainly with horizontal wind measurements. Then it is assumed that the calibration is the same for both components. The concept was tested during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme field campaign in the autumn of 1999, during which two scintillometers were deployed. Strong, long-lasting, quasi-stationary downward motions on the order of 5 m s−1 and horizontal wind speeds of over 30 m s−1 were detected during strong foehn phases within the valley. Aircraft measurements of various transects near the light paths are compared with two crosswind evaluation techniques. One of them, the slope method, tends to overestimate the actual wind speed by about 20%, whereas the peak technique gives values that are about 10% too low for high wind speeds. The peak method also fails to measure meaningful vertical crosswind speeds. The scintillometer data of one particular foehn storm are compared with nearby Doppler lidar data. The agreement of the horizontal measurements is reasonable. Discrepancies are attributed to topographic and dynamic effects that cause significant spatial inhomogeneities in the wind field. The applicability of continuous scintillometer vertical crosswind measurements in mountainous terrain is demonstrated.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Markus Furger, Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Email:

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