Dual pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is a commonly used technique, in operational Doppler weather radar networks, that extends the unambiguous Doppler velocity. The technique requires the measurement of the radial velocity at two different PRFs and it assumes that the data is collected from the same velocity. In practice, the data are collected from adjacent alternating PRF radials as the antenna rotates. However, high azimuthal shear or statistical errors due to uncertainty in the measurements can create dealiasing errors. This paper proposes two algorithms to correct these dealiasing errors and analyzes the results. Simulations and real cases are presented to illustrate the benefits and limitations.
Corresponding author address: Dr. P. Joe, Meteorological Service of Canada, 4905 Dufferin St., Downsview, ON M3H 5T4, Canada. Email: paul.joe@ec.gc.ca