As a preliminary step to solar irradiance calculations, the Centre de Météorologie Spatiale (CMS) has developed a pragmatic approach to calibrate the visible channels of Meteosat and GOES-East imagers. The responsivity of the Meteosat visible channel has been monitored with three desert targets from 1989 to 2002. The annual degradation rate has been estimated to 1.8% for Meteosat-4, 1.4% for Meteosat-5, and 1.9% for Meteosat-7. A reference calibration coefficient for Meteosat-7 has been derived from a comparison with Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data in summer 1998. Meteosat and GOES-East data corresponding to homogenous pixels along longitude 37.5°W and around 1200 LST have been compared on a monthly basis, leading to a calibration of GOES-East visible channel. GOES-8 data have been processed from June 1998 to December 2002 and the annual degradation rate obtained during this period is 4.0%. GOES-12 data have been processed from April to August 2003. During this short period, no degradation rate can be estimated but only a mean value of the calibration coefficient, which corresponds to a 7% increase of the prelaunch coefficient.
Corresponding author address: Anne Marsouin, Météo-France/ Centre de Météorologie Spatiale, BP 147, 22302 Lannion, France. Email: Anne.Marsouin@meteo.fr