Recently, two physically based algorithms, the “beta” (β) method and the “constrained-gamma” method, have been proposed for retrieving the governing parameters of the gamma drop size distribution (DSD) from polarimetric radar measurements. The β method treats the drop axis ratio as a variable and computes drop shape and DSD parameters from radar reflectivity (Z), differential reflectivity (ZDR), and specific differential phase (KDP). The constrained-gamma method assumes that the axis ratio relation is fixed and computes DSD parameters from reflectivity, differential reflectivity, and an empirical relation between the DSD slope and shape parameters. In this paper, the two approaches are evaluated by comparing retrieved rain DSD parameters with disdrometer observations and examining derived fields for consistency. Error effects on the β method retrievals are analyzed. The β approach is found to be sensitive to errors in KDP and to be inconsistent with observations. Large retrieved β values are found to associate with large retrieved DSD shape parameters and small median drop diameters. The constrained-gamma DSD method provides reasonable rain DSD retrievals that agree better with disdrometer observations.
Corresponding author address: Dr. Edward A. Brandes, National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307. Email: brandes@ncar.ucar.edu