Parameterized shortwave and longwave algorithms developed at the Langley Research Center have been used to derive surface radiative fluxes in the processing of the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data obtained from flight aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. Retrieved fluxes were validated on an instantaneous–footprint basis using coincident surface measurements obtained from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program's Southern Great Plains (SGP) central facility, the ARM/SGP network of extended facilities, and a number of surface sites of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) and the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL). Validation was carried out separately for clear-sky and all-sky conditions. For the shortwave, systematic errors varied from −12 to 10 W m−2 for clear skies and from −5 to 35 W m−2 for all-sky conditions. Random errors varied from 20 to 40 W m−2 for clear skies but were much larger (45–85 W m−2) for all-sky conditions. For the longwave, systematic errors were comparatively small for both clear-sky and all-sky conditions (0 to −10 W m−2) and random errors were within about 20 W m−2. In general, comparisons with surface data from the ARM/SGP site (especially the central facility) showed the best agreement. Large systematic errors in shortwave comparisons for some sites were related to flaws in the surface measurements. Larger errors in longwave fluxes for some footprints were found to be related to the errors in cloud mask retrievals, mostly during the nighttime. Smaller longwave errors related to potential errors in the operational analysis products used in satellite retrievals were also found. Still, longwave fluxes obtained with the present algorithm nearly meet the accuracy requirements for climate research.
Corresponding author address: Dr. Shashi K. Gupta, Analytical Services and Materials, Inc., 1 Enterprise Pkwy., Ste. 300, Hampton, VA 23666. Email: s.k.gupta@larc.nasa.gov