The effect of radiation from the sun reflected at the sea surface on the 11- and 12-μm brightness temperatures measured by the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer ATSR-2 has been investigated. An attempt was made to determine its magnitude by comparing nadir-view and forward-view brightness temperature differences in glint and nonglint regions, and the results are compared with theoretical predictions computed by using the 1.6-μm reflectivity data. Atmospheric absorption and the polarization sensitivity of the instrument have been fully taken into account.
The results show that temperature increases of a few tens of millikelvins are possible even over the open ocean, and that they correlate well with the measured 1.6-μm reflectivity values. A scheme for correcting the sun glint contamination is proposed.
Corresponding author address: Dr. A. R. Birks, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, United Kingdom. Email: a.r.birks@rl.ac.uk