In this paper, a new device is introduced to study the formation and growth of cloud droplets under near-atmospheric supersaturations. The new device, called the Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS), is based on a laminar flow tube. It has been designed to reproduce the thermodynamic conditions of atmospheric clouds as realistically as possible.
A series of experiments have been conducted that prove the definition and stability of the flow field inside the LACIS as well as the stability and reproducibility of the generated droplet size distributions as a function of the applied thermodynamic conditions. Measured droplet size distributions are in good agreement with those determined by a newly developed Eulerian particle–droplet dynamical model.
Further investigations will focus on the influences of latent heat release during vapor condensation on the tube walls and the development of a more suitable optical particle counter for droplet size determination.
Corresponding author address: Dr. F. Stratmann, Institute for Tropospheric Research, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany. Email: straddi@tropos.de