A variational procedure is developed that utilizes mobile ground-based range–height indicator (RHI) Doppler radar velocity data for the synthesis of two-dimensional, RHI plane wind vectors. The radial component winds are obtained with the radar platform in motion, a data collection strategy referred to as the rolling RHI technique. Using the assumption of stationarity—standard to any pseudo-multiple-Doppler processing technique—individual radial velocity values at a given point in space will contribute a varying amount of independent information to the two components of wind velocity in the RHI plane, depending strongly on the difference in radar viewing angles amongst the looks.
The variational technique is tested successfully with observation system simulation experiments, using both a homogeneous flow field and large eddy simulation (LES) output from a highly sheared convective boundary layer simulation. Pseudoradar data are collected in these tests in a manner consistent with the specifications of the University of Massachusetts mobile W-band radar, which was used in a separate study to resolve the finescale structure of a dryline during the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002). The results of these tests indicate clearly that the technique performs well in regions of adequate “look” angle separation. Observation error contributes significantly to the analysis when the radar looks become more collinear.
Corresponding author address: Dr. Christopher C. Weiss, Texas Tech University—Atmospheric Science Group, Box 42101, Lubbock, TX 79409. Email: Chris.Weiss@ttu.edu