This paper reports on a new generation of aircraft-based rotating-vane-style electric field mills designed and built at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The mills have individual microprocessors that digitize the electric field signal at the mill and respond to commands from the data system computer. The mills are very sensitive (1 V m−1 bit−1), have a wide dynamic range (115 dB), and are very low noise (±1 LSB). Mounted on an aircraft, these mills can measure fields from ±1 V m−1 to ±500 kV m−1. Once-per-second commanding from the data collection computer to each mill allows for precise timing and synchronization. The mills can also be commanded to execute a self-calibration in flight, which is done periodically to monitor the status and health of each mill.
Corresponding author address: Monte Bateman, 320 Sparkman Dr., Huntsville, AL 35805. Email: monte.bateman@nasa.gov