Orientation Angle Distributions of Drops after an 80-m Fall Using a 2D Video Disdrometer

Gwo-Jong Huang Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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V. N. Bringi Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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M. Thurai Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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This note reports on the use of a 2D video disdrometer to estimate the orientation of drops (>2 mm) that were generated artificially and allowed to fall 80 m from a bridge with no obstruction and under calm conditions. This experimental setup enabled a large number of drops to be generated, up to 10 mm in horizontal dimension.

The distribution of the canting angles for all drops >2 mm was found to be nearly symmetric about 0° with standard deviation between 7° and 8°. From the canting angle distributions derived from the two orthogonal camera view planes, the distributions of the polar (θ) and azimuth (ϕ) angles were deduced; these two angles describe the 2D orientation of the symmetry axis. The azimuthal angle distribution was found to be nearly uniform in the range (0, 2π), whereas the distribution of pΩ(θ) = p(θ) sinθ was similar in shape to a special form of the Fisher distribution that is valid for describing the statistics on a spherical surface. The standard deviation of pΩ(θ) showed that larger drops are more stably oriented than smaller ones. This is in agreement with previous radar-based results of standard deviation of the canting angle decreasing with increasing Zdr.

Corresponding author address: V. N. Bringi, Dept. of ECE, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1373. Email: bringi@engr.colostate.edu


This note reports on the use of a 2D video disdrometer to estimate the orientation of drops (>2 mm) that were generated artificially and allowed to fall 80 m from a bridge with no obstruction and under calm conditions. This experimental setup enabled a large number of drops to be generated, up to 10 mm in horizontal dimension.

The distribution of the canting angles for all drops >2 mm was found to be nearly symmetric about 0° with standard deviation between 7° and 8°. From the canting angle distributions derived from the two orthogonal camera view planes, the distributions of the polar (θ) and azimuth (ϕ) angles were deduced; these two angles describe the 2D orientation of the symmetry axis. The azimuthal angle distribution was found to be nearly uniform in the range (0, 2π), whereas the distribution of pΩ(θ) = p(θ) sinθ was similar in shape to a special form of the Fisher distribution that is valid for describing the statistics on a spherical surface. The standard deviation of pΩ(θ) showed that larger drops are more stably oriented than smaller ones. This is in agreement with previous radar-based results of standard deviation of the canting angle decreasing with increasing Zdr.

Corresponding author address: V. N. Bringi, Dept. of ECE, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1373. Email: bringi@engr.colostate.edu

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