3D Sonar Measurements in Wakes of Ships of Opportunity

Alexander Soloviev Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, Dania Beach, Florida

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Christopher Maingot Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, Dania Beach, Florida

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Mike Agor CodaOctopus Products, Inc., Lakeland, Florida

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Lou Nash Measutronics Corporation, Lakeland, Florida

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Keith Dixon Measutronics Corporation, Lakeland, Florida

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The aim of this work is to test the potential capabilities of 3D sonar technology for studying small-scale processes in the near-surface layer of the ocean, using the centerline wake of ships of opportunity as the object of study. The first tests conducted in Tampa Bay, Florida, with the 3D sonar have demonstrated the ability of this technology to observe the shape of the centerline wake in great detail starting from centimeter scale, using air bubbles as a proxy. An advantage of the 3D sonar technology is that it allows quantitative estimates of the ship wake geometry, which presents new opportunities for validation of hydrodynamic models of the ship wake. Three-dimensional sonar is also a potentially useful tool for studies of air-bubble dynamics and turbulence in breaking surface waves.

Corresponding author address: Alex Soloviev, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, FL 33004. E-mail: soloviev@nova.edu


The aim of this work is to test the potential capabilities of 3D sonar technology for studying small-scale processes in the near-surface layer of the ocean, using the centerline wake of ships of opportunity as the object of study. The first tests conducted in Tampa Bay, Florida, with the 3D sonar have demonstrated the ability of this technology to observe the shape of the centerline wake in great detail starting from centimeter scale, using air bubbles as a proxy. An advantage of the 3D sonar technology is that it allows quantitative estimates of the ship wake geometry, which presents new opportunities for validation of hydrodynamic models of the ship wake. Three-dimensional sonar is also a potentially useful tool for studies of air-bubble dynamics and turbulence in breaking surface waves.

Corresponding author address: Alex Soloviev, 8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, FL 33004. E-mail: soloviev@nova.edu
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