Lagrangian Detection of Wind Shear for Landing Aircraft

Hossein Amini Kafiabad Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Pak Wai Chan Hong Kong Observatory, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

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George Haller Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and Institute for Mechanical Systems, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

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Recent studies have shown that aerial disturbances affecting landing aircraft have a coherent signature in the Lagrangian aerial particle dynamics inferred from ground-based lidar scans. Specifically, attracting Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) mark the intersection of localized material upwelling within the cone of the lidar scan. This study tests the detection power of LCSs on historical landing data and corresponding pilot reports of disturbances from Hong Kong International Airport. The results show that a specific LCS indicator, the gradient of the finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) field along the landing path, is a highly efficient marker of turbulent upwellings. In particular, in the spring season, projected FTLE gradients closely approach the efficiency of the wind shear alert system currently in operation at the airport, even though the latter system relies on multiple sources of data beyond those used in this study. This shows significant potential for the operational use of FTLE gradients in the real-time detection of aerial disturbances over airports.

Corresponding author address: George Haller, Institute of Mechanical Systems, ETH Zurich, Tannenstrasse 3, CLA J.27, 8044 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail:


Recent studies have shown that aerial disturbances affecting landing aircraft have a coherent signature in the Lagrangian aerial particle dynamics inferred from ground-based lidar scans. Specifically, attracting Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) mark the intersection of localized material upwelling within the cone of the lidar scan. This study tests the detection power of LCSs on historical landing data and corresponding pilot reports of disturbances from Hong Kong International Airport. The results show that a specific LCS indicator, the gradient of the finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) field along the landing path, is a highly efficient marker of turbulent upwellings. In particular, in the spring season, projected FTLE gradients closely approach the efficiency of the wind shear alert system currently in operation at the airport, even though the latter system relies on multiple sources of data beyond those used in this study. This shows significant potential for the operational use of FTLE gradients in the real-time detection of aerial disturbances over airports.

Corresponding author address: George Haller, Institute of Mechanical Systems, ETH Zurich, Tannenstrasse 3, CLA J.27, 8044 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail:
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