Implementation of a Gabor Transform Data Quality-Control Algorithm for UHF Wind Profiling Radars

Laura Bianco Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, and NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory/Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado

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Daniel Gottas NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory/Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado

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James M. Wilczak NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory/Physical Sciences Division, Boulder, Colorado

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In this paper a Gabor transform–based algorithm is applied to identify and eliminate intermittent signal contamination in UHF wind profiling radars, such as that produced by migrating birds. The algorithm is applied in the time domain, and so it can be used to improve the accuracy of UHF radar wind profiler data in real time—an essential requirement if these wind profiler data are to be assimilated into operational weather forecast models. The added value of using a moment-level Weber–Wuertz pattern recognition scheme that follows the Gabor transform processing is demonstrated.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Laura Bianco, NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory, 325 Broadway, R/PSD3, Boulder, CO 80305-3328. E-mail:

This article is included in the ISARS 2012 special collection.


In this paper a Gabor transform–based algorithm is applied to identify and eliminate intermittent signal contamination in UHF wind profiling radars, such as that produced by migrating birds. The algorithm is applied in the time domain, and so it can be used to improve the accuracy of UHF radar wind profiler data in real time—an essential requirement if these wind profiler data are to be assimilated into operational weather forecast models. The added value of using a moment-level Weber–Wuertz pattern recognition scheme that follows the Gabor transform processing is demonstrated.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Laura Bianco, NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory, 325 Broadway, R/PSD3, Boulder, CO 80305-3328. E-mail:

This article is included in the ISARS 2012 special collection.

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