An Examination of the Feasibility of Linear Deterministic Sea Wave Prediction in Multidirectional Seas Using Wave Profiling Radar: Theory, Simulation, and Sea Trials

M. R. Belmont University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom

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J. Christmas University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom

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J. Dannenberg OceanWaves GmbH, Lüneburg, Germany

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T. Hilmer OceanWaves GmbH, Lüneburg, Germany

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J. Duncan Defence Equipment and Support, Ministry of Defence, Bristol, United Kingdom

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J. M. Duncan Defence Equipment and Support, Ministry of Defence, Bristol, United Kingdom

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For a number of maritime tasks there is a short time period, typically only a few tens of seconds, where a critical event occurs that defines a limiting wave height for the whole operation. Examples are the recovery of fixed and rotary winged aircraft, cargo transfers, final pipe mating in fluid transfer operations, and launch/recovery of small craft. The recovery of a 30-t rescue submersible onto a mother ship in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Submarine Rescue System is a prime example. In such applications short-term deterministic sea wave prediction (DSWP) can play a vital role in extending the sea states under which the system can be safely deployed. DSWP also has great potential in conducting experimental sea wave research at full scale. This report explores the feasibility of using data from an experimental wave profiling radar in achieving DSWP. The report includes theory, simulation, and field testing. Two forms of DSWP are employed: a fixed point system based upon a restricted set of wave directions from which some success is obtained and the other a fully two-dimensional technique that requires further development. The main finding is that using wave profiling radar for DSWP offers promise but requires improvements both to the spatial reliability and the resolution of the wave profiling radar and to the temporal resolution of its sweep before the technique can be considered to be viable as a usable tool.

Corresponding author address: Jacqueline Christmas, University of Exeter, Harrison Building, North Park Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QF, United Kingdom. E-mail:


For a number of maritime tasks there is a short time period, typically only a few tens of seconds, where a critical event occurs that defines a limiting wave height for the whole operation. Examples are the recovery of fixed and rotary winged aircraft, cargo transfers, final pipe mating in fluid transfer operations, and launch/recovery of small craft. The recovery of a 30-t rescue submersible onto a mother ship in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Submarine Rescue System is a prime example. In such applications short-term deterministic sea wave prediction (DSWP) can play a vital role in extending the sea states under which the system can be safely deployed. DSWP also has great potential in conducting experimental sea wave research at full scale. This report explores the feasibility of using data from an experimental wave profiling radar in achieving DSWP. The report includes theory, simulation, and field testing. Two forms of DSWP are employed: a fixed point system based upon a restricted set of wave directions from which some success is obtained and the other a fully two-dimensional technique that requires further development. The main finding is that using wave profiling radar for DSWP offers promise but requires improvements both to the spatial reliability and the resolution of the wave profiling radar and to the temporal resolution of its sweep before the technique can be considered to be viable as a usable tool.

Corresponding author address: Jacqueline Christmas, University of Exeter, Harrison Building, North Park Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QF, United Kingdom. E-mail:
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