Shipborne Polarimetric Weather Radar: Impact of Ship Movement on Polarimetric Variables at C Band

M. Thurai Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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P. T. May Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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A. Protat Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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The effect of ship motion on shipborne polarimetric radar measurements is considered at C band. Calculations are carried out by (i) varying the “effective” mean canting angle and (ii) separately examining the elevation dependence. Scattering from a single oblate hydrometeor is considered at first. Equations are derived (i) to convert the measured differential reflectivity for nonzero mean canting angles to those for zero mean canting angle and (ii) to do the corresponding corrections for nonzero elevation angles. Scattering calculations are also performed using the T-matrix method with measured drop size distributions as input. Dependence on mean volume diameter is examined as well as variations of the four main polarimetric parameters. The results show that as long as the ship movement is limited to a roll of less than about 10°–15°, the effects are tolerable. Furthermore, the results from the scattering simulations have been used to provide equations for correction factors that can be applied to compensate for the “apparent” nonzero canting angles and nonzero elevation angles, so that drop size distribution parameters and rainfall rates can be estimated without any bias.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Merhala Thurai, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Engineering Room B104, 1373 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1373. E-mail:;;


The effect of ship motion on shipborne polarimetric radar measurements is considered at C band. Calculations are carried out by (i) varying the “effective” mean canting angle and (ii) separately examining the elevation dependence. Scattering from a single oblate hydrometeor is considered at first. Equations are derived (i) to convert the measured differential reflectivity for nonzero mean canting angles to those for zero mean canting angle and (ii) to do the corresponding corrections for nonzero elevation angles. Scattering calculations are also performed using the T-matrix method with measured drop size distributions as input. Dependence on mean volume diameter is examined as well as variations of the four main polarimetric parameters. The results show that as long as the ship movement is limited to a roll of less than about 10°–15°, the effects are tolerable. Furthermore, the results from the scattering simulations have been used to provide equations for correction factors that can be applied to compensate for the “apparent” nonzero canting angles and nonzero elevation angles, so that drop size distribution parameters and rainfall rates can be estimated without any bias.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Merhala Thurai, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Engineering Room B104, 1373 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1373. E-mail:;;
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