Quality Control of Antenna Alignment and Receiver Calibration Using the Sun: Adaptation to Midrange Weather Radar Observations at Low Elevation Angles

Patricia Altube Meteorological Service of Catalonia, and Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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Joan Bech Department of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

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Oriol Argemí Meteorological Service of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

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Tomeu Rigo Meteorological Service of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

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A quality control method for combined online monitoring of weather radar antenna pointing biases and receiver calibration using solar signals detected by an operational radar is adapted for application to midrange radar data (80–150 km). As the original method was developed using long-range data, additional criteria based on robust statistical estimators are imposed in the sun signature detection and selection process, allowing to discard observations biased by ground clutter or precipitation and to remove very influential outliers. The validity ranges of the physical model describing the solar interferences detected by the scanning radar antenna are explicitly defined and an equation for estimation of the effective scanning width in reception is provided in a thorough theoretical derivation. The method proposed reveals its sensitivity to changes in the antenna pointing accuracy and receiver calibration when applied to operational data obtained with three C-band radars during one year. A comparative study on the goodness of fit between a three- and a five-parameter model highlights the effect on the stability and accuracy of the antenna and receiver parameters retrieved for each radar system, considering the dissimilar information content of the observations collected by each radar. The performance of the proposed methodology under the effects of the presence of ground clutter and radio local area network interferences is discussed in the results presented.

Corresponding author address: Patricia Altube, Meteorological Service of Catalonia, Berlin 38-48, 08029 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: paltube@meteo.cat


A quality control method for combined online monitoring of weather radar antenna pointing biases and receiver calibration using solar signals detected by an operational radar is adapted for application to midrange radar data (80–150 km). As the original method was developed using long-range data, additional criteria based on robust statistical estimators are imposed in the sun signature detection and selection process, allowing to discard observations biased by ground clutter or precipitation and to remove very influential outliers. The validity ranges of the physical model describing the solar interferences detected by the scanning radar antenna are explicitly defined and an equation for estimation of the effective scanning width in reception is provided in a thorough theoretical derivation. The method proposed reveals its sensitivity to changes in the antenna pointing accuracy and receiver calibration when applied to operational data obtained with three C-band radars during one year. A comparative study on the goodness of fit between a three- and a five-parameter model highlights the effect on the stability and accuracy of the antenna and receiver parameters retrieved for each radar system, considering the dissimilar information content of the observations collected by each radar. The performance of the proposed methodology under the effects of the presence of ground clutter and radio local area network interferences is discussed in the results presented.

Corresponding author address: Patricia Altube, Meteorological Service of Catalonia, Berlin 38-48, 08029 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: paltube@meteo.cat
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