Typical methods used to acquire wind profiles from Doppler radar measurements rely on plan position indicator (PPI) scans being performed at multiple elevation angles to utilize the velocity–azimuth display technique or to construct dual-Doppler synthesis. These techniques, as well as those employed by wind profilers, often produce wind profiles that lack the spatial or temporal resolution to resolve finescale features. If two radars perform range–height indicator (RHI) scans (constant azimuth, multiple elevations) along azimuths separated by approximately 90°, then the intersection of the coordinated RHI planes represents a vertical set of points where dual-Doppler wind syntheses are possible and wind speed and direction profiles can be retrieved. This method also allows for the generation of high-resolution wind time histories that can be compared to anemometer time histories. This study focuses on the use of the coordinated RHI scanning strategy by two high-resolution mobile Doppler radars in close proximity to a 200-m instrumented tower. In one of the first high-resolution, long-duration comparisons of dual-Doppler wind synthesis with in situ anemometry, the mean and turbulence states of the wind measured by each platform were compared in varying atmospheric conditions. Examination of mean wind speed and direction profiles in both clear-air (nonprecipitating) and precipitating environments revealed excellent agreement above approximately 50 m. Below this level, dual-Doppler wind speeds were still good but slightly overestimated as compared to the anemometer-measured wind speeds in heavy precipitation. Bulk turbulence parameters were also slightly underestimated by the dual-Doppler syntheses.