This study describes a dual-channel array spectrometer system designed to make high-frequency simultaneous spectral global irradiance and direct solar irradiance measurements covering the visible and ultraviolet wavelength ranges. The dual-channel nature of the instrument allows spectrally integrated quantities (e.g., erythema or vitamin D) to be calculated at a rate similar to broadband instruments while retrieving total column ozone (TCO) from the direct solar channel. The characterization and calibration of the instrument is discussed, with emphasis on temperature stabilization (<±0.01°C) and stray light removal. Focusing on the TCO retrieval from direct spectra, results are compared to a collocated Brewer spectrophotometer during the study period of May 2013–January 2014. Agreement for individual measurements made within 20 min of a reference Brewer direct sun observation on relatively clear example days is <1.5%. For all valid individual measurements, the study found an overall bias of 1.1 Dobson units (DU; 0.4%) and scatter of ±6.7 DU (2.2%) for retrievals obtained at airmass values < 4. A dependence on air mass of 6.3 DU (2.0%) per airmass unit is observed and a correlation of R2 = 0.954 is found for all individual measurements, although this is reduced to 0.908 for daily means. TCO retrievals are limited to airmass values < 4 primarily because of residual structure in the transmission spectrum that cannot be attributed to other trace gases. These results are encouraging and suggest that similar instrument designs could make a significant and relatively low-cost contribution to surface measurements of atmospheric radiation.
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