Clear-air Bragg scatter (CABS) is a refractivity gradient return generated by turbulent eddies that operational Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) systems can detect. The randomly oriented nature of the eddies results in a differential reflectivity (ZDR) value near 0 dB, and thus CABS can be used as an assessment of ZDR calibration in the absence of excessive contamination from precipitation or biota. An automated algorithm to estimate ZDR bias from CABS was developed by the Radar Operations Center and can be used to assess the calibration quality of the dual-polarized WSR-88D fleet. This technique supplements existing ZDR bias assessment tools, especially the use of other external targets, such as light rain and dry snow.
The estimates of ZDR bias from CABS using a 1700–1900 UTC time window were compared to estimates from the light rain and dry snow methods. Output from the automated CABS algorithm had approximately the same amount of bias reported as the light rain and dry snow estimates (within ±0.1 dB). As the 1700–1900 UTC time window appeared too restrictive, a modified version of the algorithm was tested to detect CABS diurnally on a volume-by-volume basis (continuous monitoring). Continuous monitoring resulted in a two- to fourfold increase in the number of days with CABS detections. Results suggest estimates from CABS are viable for many sites throughout the year and provide an important addition to existing bias estimation techniques.
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