In Part I, the Chebyshev polynomial fitting (CPF) method has been proved to be effective to construct reliable cotidal charts for the eight major tidal constituents (M2, S2, K1, O1, N2, K2, P1, and Q1) near Hawaii and yields accurate results which are consistent with the Finite Element Solutions 2014 (FES2014), National Astronomical Observatory 99b (NAO.99b), and TPXO9 models. In this paper, the method is extended to estimate the harmonic constants of some minor tidal constituents. The mesoscale variation correction is applied to tidal elevations from satellite altimeters to eliminate the potential influence of background mesoscale ocean noise when estimating minor tidal constituents. This correction is necessary and makes the amplitude ratio between P1 and K1 constituents more consistent with the equilibrium tidal theory. Compared with the harmonic constants directly extracted from satellite altimeter data, FES2014 and NAO.99b yield mean root-mean-square (RMS) errors of 0.238 and 0.226 cm, respectively, while CPF method yields a mean RMS error of 0.210 cm, causing a 7%–12% decrease in the RMS error. At the crossover points between ascending and descending tracks, the decrease of RMS errors becomes 15%–18%. The accuracy of this method is also validated by comparing the estimated harmonic constants with those derived from tidal gauges and bottom-pressure recorders. These results indicate that the CPF method is also effective for estimating harmonic constants of minor tidal constituents. More importantly, the CPF method can obtain the harmonic constants of minor tidal constituents directly from satellite altimeter data, instead of being inferred via admittance theory.
Significance Statement
Ocean tides originate from the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon. Among the large number of tidal constituents, the major tidal constituents have been extensively studied. We extend the method proposed in Part I to estimate the harmonic constants of some minor tidal constituents with low amplitudes. The method relies on actual observations of water level variations from satellite altimeters without considering the hydrodynamic equations. We compared the results of this method with those of other models, using the data from satellite altimeters, tidal gauges, and bottom-pressure recorders. We find that the method performs well in estimating harmonic constants for some minor tidal constituents and causes a decrease of 7%–18% in RMS errors compared to other models.
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