Cloud-Droplet Coalescence: Effects of the Davis-Sartor Collision Efficiency

Michael Warshaw The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif.

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Spectra of droplet size resulting from coalescence are compared, assuming the collision efficiency of Hocking's theory and that of Davis and Sartor's new theory. The Davis-Sartor collision efficiency shows no evidence of the 19-μ cutoff predicted by Hocking. Also, Davis and Sartor predict a non-zero asymptotic value for collision efficiency as the droplet ratio approaches unity, but a considerably smaller value than Hocking's for droplet ratios wound 0.5.

Results show that the Davis-Sartor theory will not permit growth as rapid as Hocking's when a significant number of droplets are initially larger than 19 μ. In addition, when no droplets are greater than 19 μ, the Davis-Sartor theory will permit slow growth, whereas Hocking's predicts no growth.


Spectra of droplet size resulting from coalescence are compared, assuming the collision efficiency of Hocking's theory and that of Davis and Sartor's new theory. The Davis-Sartor collision efficiency shows no evidence of the 19-μ cutoff predicted by Hocking. Also, Davis and Sartor predict a non-zero asymptotic value for collision efficiency as the droplet ratio approaches unity, but a considerably smaller value than Hocking's for droplet ratios wound 0.5.

Results show that the Davis-Sartor theory will not permit growth as rapid as Hocking's when a significant number of droplets are initially larger than 19 μ. In addition, when no droplets are greater than 19 μ, the Davis-Sartor theory will permit slow growth, whereas Hocking's predicts no growth.
