Westward Propagating Cloud Patterns in the Tropical Pacific as seen from Time-Composite Satellite Photographs

Chih-Pei Chang Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle

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A new method of using satellite photographs in the study of large-scale cloud motions in the tropics is presented. Cloud clusters are seen to be propagating westward with a phase speed ∼9 m sec−1 in the summer of 1967, and can sometimes be followed all the way across the Pacific. It is suggested that this method can be used in the study of tropical wave disturbances.


A new method of using satellite photographs in the study of large-scale cloud motions in the tropics is presented. Cloud clusters are seen to be propagating westward with a phase speed ∼9 m sec−1 in the summer of 1967, and can sometimes be followed all the way across the Pacific. It is suggested that this method can be used in the study of tropical wave disturbances.
