Collisions in Washout

T. G. Owe Berg T. G. Owe Berg, Inc., Santa Ana, Calif.

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Thomas A. Gaukler T. G. Owe Berg, Inc., Santa Ana, Calif.

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Urte Vaughan T. G. Owe Berg, Inc., Santa Ana, Calif.

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The collision of a falling drop With a small particle has been studied by high-speed photography. The trajectory of the particle relative to the center of the drop and relative to a fixed point has been determined under various conditions. The effect of electrostatic charges on drop and particle has been studied.


The collision of a falling drop With a small particle has been studied by high-speed photography. The trajectory of the particle relative to the center of the drop and relative to a fixed point has been determined under various conditions. The effect of electrostatic charges on drop and particle has been studied.
