The Trapeze Instability in an Equatorial β-Plane

Isidoro Orlanski Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory /NOAA, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. 08540

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From preliminary reports of the GATE experiment it was concluded that there is some strong evidence that mesoscale waves with a periodicity close to 2 days exist in the equatorial regions. The dynamics of unstable internal gravity waves due to trapeze instability was discussed by means of a two-dimensional, β-plane numerical model. It was concluded that the trapeze instability may be the means by which the observed 2-day waves are excited.


From preliminary reports of the GATE experiment it was concluded that there is some strong evidence that mesoscale waves with a periodicity close to 2 days exist in the equatorial regions. The dynamics of unstable internal gravity waves due to trapeze instability was discussed by means of a two-dimensional, β-plane numerical model. It was concluded that the trapeze instability may be the means by which the observed 2-day waves are excited.
