Time-Dependent Nonlinear Hadley Circulation

Ming Fang Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

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Ka Kit Tung Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

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The time-dependent Hadley circulation is studied numerically in a nonlinear, nearly inviscid, axially symmetric primitive equation model, with the heating varying periodically on an annual cycle. The annual average of the Hadley circulation strength in this model with time-dependent heating is about a factor of 2 stronger than the steady-state response to the annual mean heating and is closer to the observed strength in the real atmosphere. This is caused by the fact that heating centered off-equator tends to produce stronger meridional circulation in the winter hemisphere than in the case when the heating maximum is located at the equator, as pointed out previously by Lindzen and Hou. However, unlike the steady-state solutions, there is no abrupt change as the heating center is moved off the equator.

The temperature response in this time-dependent model is simple to understand. In the tropical region, where there is a variable, but persistent, Hadley circulation, the temperature is homogenized latitudinally. In the high-latitude region, where there is no meridional circulation (in the absence of the eddies), the temperature response goes through an annual cycle with a phase lag relative to the phase of the heating. This response is as predicted by the simple time-dependent temperature equation in the absence of meridional circulation.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Ka Kit Tung, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Box 352420, 412 Guggenheim Hall, Seattle, WA 98195.


The time-dependent Hadley circulation is studied numerically in a nonlinear, nearly inviscid, axially symmetric primitive equation model, with the heating varying periodically on an annual cycle. The annual average of the Hadley circulation strength in this model with time-dependent heating is about a factor of 2 stronger than the steady-state response to the annual mean heating and is closer to the observed strength in the real atmosphere. This is caused by the fact that heating centered off-equator tends to produce stronger meridional circulation in the winter hemisphere than in the case when the heating maximum is located at the equator, as pointed out previously by Lindzen and Hou. However, unlike the steady-state solutions, there is no abrupt change as the heating center is moved off the equator.

The temperature response in this time-dependent model is simple to understand. In the tropical region, where there is a variable, but persistent, Hadley circulation, the temperature is homogenized latitudinally. In the high-latitude region, where there is no meridional circulation (in the absence of the eddies), the temperature response goes through an annual cycle with a phase lag relative to the phase of the heating. This response is as predicted by the simple time-dependent temperature equation in the absence of meridional circulation.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Ka Kit Tung, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Box 352420, 412 Guggenheim Hall, Seattle, WA 98195.

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