Theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out to describe the absorption of sulfur dioxide by moving spheroidal water drops under transient flow conditions. These investigations allow the determination of the rate at which SO2 is scavenged from air by deformed spheroidal freely falling water drops. First, the theoretical models in the case of spheroidal water drops will be presented. For drops smaller than 1 mm in diameter, modeling is based on numerical solutions of Navier–Stokes and convective-diffusion equations, which describe transient flow and concentration fields, respectively, both in liquid and gas phases. For drops larger than 1 mm in diameter, modeling is based on scaling of interfacial agitation taking into account the effect of turbulent mixing and oscillation inside the drops. Second, an experimental device involving a 5-m rain shaft is presented in order to study SO2 absorption and to verify the theoretical models for spheroidal water drops. The predicted sulfur concentrations inside the drop are compared with the experimental results for three categories of experiments (reversible absorption, irreversible absorption, and desorption). Adequate correlation between theory and experiment was obtained for a specified value of the aspect ratio E, which is a function of the equivalent diameter of the drop.
Corresponding author address: Dr. Bernard Caussade, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides, Allée Camille Soula, 31400 Toulouse, France.
Email: caussade@imft.fr