Mechanisms for the Extratropical QBO in Circulation and Ozone

Jonathan S. Kinnersley Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

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Ka Kit Tung Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

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A two-and-a-half-dimensional interactive stratospheric model (i.e., a zonally averaged dynamical-chemical model combined with a truncated spectral dynamical model), whose equatorial zonal wind was relaxed toward the observed Singapore zonal wind, was able to reproduce much of the observed quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) variability in the column ozone, in its vertical distribution in the low and middle latitudes, and also in the high southern polar latitudes. To reveal the mechanisms responsible for producing the modeled QBO signal over the globe, several control runs were also performed. The authors find that the ozone variability in the lower stratosphere—and hence also in the column—is determined mainly by two dynamical mechanisms. In the low to midlatitudes it is created by a “direct QBO circulation.” Unlike the classic picture of a nonseasonal two-cell QBO circulation symmetric about the equator, a more correct picture is a direct QBO circulation that is strongly seasonal, driven by the seasonality in diabatic heating, which is very weak in the summer hemisphere and strong in the winter hemisphere at low and midlatitudes. This anomalous circulation is what is responsible for creating the ozone anomaly at low and midlatitudes. Transport by the climatological circulation and diffusion is found to be ineffective. At high latitudes, there is again a circulation anomaly, but here it is induced by the modulation of the planetary wave potential vorticity flux by the QBO. This so-called Holton–Tan mechanism is responsible for most of the QBO ozone signal poleward of 60°. During spring in the modeled northern polar region, chaotic behavior is another important source of interannual variability, in addition to the interannual variability of planetary wave sources in the troposphere previously studied by the authors.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Jonathan S. Kinnersley, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Box 352420, Seattle, WA 98195-2420.


A two-and-a-half-dimensional interactive stratospheric model (i.e., a zonally averaged dynamical-chemical model combined with a truncated spectral dynamical model), whose equatorial zonal wind was relaxed toward the observed Singapore zonal wind, was able to reproduce much of the observed quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) variability in the column ozone, in its vertical distribution in the low and middle latitudes, and also in the high southern polar latitudes. To reveal the mechanisms responsible for producing the modeled QBO signal over the globe, several control runs were also performed. The authors find that the ozone variability in the lower stratosphere—and hence also in the column—is determined mainly by two dynamical mechanisms. In the low to midlatitudes it is created by a “direct QBO circulation.” Unlike the classic picture of a nonseasonal two-cell QBO circulation symmetric about the equator, a more correct picture is a direct QBO circulation that is strongly seasonal, driven by the seasonality in diabatic heating, which is very weak in the summer hemisphere and strong in the winter hemisphere at low and midlatitudes. This anomalous circulation is what is responsible for creating the ozone anomaly at low and midlatitudes. Transport by the climatological circulation and diffusion is found to be ineffective. At high latitudes, there is again a circulation anomaly, but here it is induced by the modulation of the planetary wave potential vorticity flux by the QBO. This so-called Holton–Tan mechanism is responsible for most of the QBO ozone signal poleward of 60°. During spring in the modeled northern polar region, chaotic behavior is another important source of interannual variability, in addition to the interannual variability of planetary wave sources in the troposphere previously studied by the authors.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Jonathan S. Kinnersley, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Box 352420, Seattle, WA 98195-2420.

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