The Role of Tropical Cyclones in the Formation of Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Troughs

Rosana Nieto Ferreira Universities Space Research Association, NASA/GSFC Laboratory for Atmospheres, Greenbelt, Maryland

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Wayne H. Schubert Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Tropical upper-tropospheric troughs (TUTTs), also known as midoceanic troughs, are elongated troughs that appear in summer monthly averaged maps of the upper-tropospheric flow over the oceans. The transient part of these climatological features is composed of TUTT cells and their origin is the subject of this study.

TUTT cells often occur to the east of tropical cyclones. A nonlinear shallow water model on the sphere was used in a simplified study of the interactions between tropical cyclones and the circumpolar vortex. Based on the results of these simulations and keeping in mind their limitations, it is proposed that dispersion of short Rossby wave energy is a possible mechanism to explain the formation of TUTT cells to the east of tropical cyclones. The model simulations suggest that two types of TUTT cells may form to the east of tropical cyclones. When embedded in cyclonic or weak anticyclonic shear, the trough to the east of the tropical cyclone may broaden, resulting in the formation of an intense TUTT cell that has a strong signature in the wind and mass fields. In the presence of stronger anticyclonic shear, the trough to the east of the tropical cyclone may become a thin and elongated TUTT cell that has a comparatively negligible signature in the mass and flow fields. Moreover, the model simulations indicate that the mode of evolution of TUTT cells that form to the east of a tropical cyclone is strongly dependent on the intensity and relative location of midlatitude waves.

Wave–mean flow interaction calculations indicated that tropical cyclones produced a westerly acceleration of the mean zonal flow in the latitudinal band through which they move and an easterly acceleration elsewhere. These calculations also indicated that broadening TUTT cells may cause an easterly acceleration of the zonal mean flow.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Rosana Nieto Ferreira, NASA/GSFC, Mailcode 913.0, Greenbelt, MD 20771.


Tropical upper-tropospheric troughs (TUTTs), also known as midoceanic troughs, are elongated troughs that appear in summer monthly averaged maps of the upper-tropospheric flow over the oceans. The transient part of these climatological features is composed of TUTT cells and their origin is the subject of this study.

TUTT cells often occur to the east of tropical cyclones. A nonlinear shallow water model on the sphere was used in a simplified study of the interactions between tropical cyclones and the circumpolar vortex. Based on the results of these simulations and keeping in mind their limitations, it is proposed that dispersion of short Rossby wave energy is a possible mechanism to explain the formation of TUTT cells to the east of tropical cyclones. The model simulations suggest that two types of TUTT cells may form to the east of tropical cyclones. When embedded in cyclonic or weak anticyclonic shear, the trough to the east of the tropical cyclone may broaden, resulting in the formation of an intense TUTT cell that has a strong signature in the wind and mass fields. In the presence of stronger anticyclonic shear, the trough to the east of the tropical cyclone may become a thin and elongated TUTT cell that has a comparatively negligible signature in the mass and flow fields. Moreover, the model simulations indicate that the mode of evolution of TUTT cells that form to the east of a tropical cyclone is strongly dependent on the intensity and relative location of midlatitude waves.

Wave–mean flow interaction calculations indicated that tropical cyclones produced a westerly acceleration of the mean zonal flow in the latitudinal band through which they move and an easterly acceleration elsewhere. These calculations also indicated that broadening TUTT cells may cause an easterly acceleration of the zonal mean flow.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Rosana Nieto Ferreira, NASA/GSFC, Mailcode 913.0, Greenbelt, MD 20771.

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