Piecewise Tendency Diagnosis of Weather Regime Transitions

Katherine J. Evans School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

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Robert X. Black School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

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Piecewise tendency diagnosis (PTD) is extended and employed to study the dynamics of weather regime transitions. Originally developed for adiabatic and inviscid quasigeostrophic flow on a beta plane, PTD partitions local geopotential tendencies into a linear combination of dynamically meaningful source terms within a potential vorticity (PV) framework. Here PTD is amended to account for spherical geometry, diabatic heating, and ageostrophic processes, and is then used to identify the primary mechanisms responsible for Northern Hemisphere weather regime transitions.

Height tendency patterns obtained by summing the contributions of individual PTD forcing terms correspond very well to actual height tendencies. Composite PTD analyses reveal that linear PV advections provide the largest dynamical forcing for the weather regime development over the North Pacific. Specifically, linear baroclinic growth provides the primary forcing while barotropic deformation of PV anomalies provides a secondary contribution. North Atlantic anticyclonic anomalies develop from the combined effects of barotropic deformation, baroclinic growth, and nonlinear eddy feedback. The Atlantic cyclonic cases develop primarily from barotropic deformation and nonlinear eddy feedback. All four weather regime types decay primarily due to enhanced wave energy propagation away from the primary circulation anomaly. In some cases, regime decay is aided by decreasing positive contributions from barotropic deformation as the circulation anomaly attains a deformed horizontal shape. The current results 1) provide quantitative measures of the primary mechanisms responsible for weather regime transition and 2) demonstrate the utility of the extended PTD as a concise diagnostic paradigm for studying large-scale dynamical processes in the midlatitude troposphere.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Robert X. Black, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340. Email: rob.black@eas.gatech.edu


Piecewise tendency diagnosis (PTD) is extended and employed to study the dynamics of weather regime transitions. Originally developed for adiabatic and inviscid quasigeostrophic flow on a beta plane, PTD partitions local geopotential tendencies into a linear combination of dynamically meaningful source terms within a potential vorticity (PV) framework. Here PTD is amended to account for spherical geometry, diabatic heating, and ageostrophic processes, and is then used to identify the primary mechanisms responsible for Northern Hemisphere weather regime transitions.

Height tendency patterns obtained by summing the contributions of individual PTD forcing terms correspond very well to actual height tendencies. Composite PTD analyses reveal that linear PV advections provide the largest dynamical forcing for the weather regime development over the North Pacific. Specifically, linear baroclinic growth provides the primary forcing while barotropic deformation of PV anomalies provides a secondary contribution. North Atlantic anticyclonic anomalies develop from the combined effects of barotropic deformation, baroclinic growth, and nonlinear eddy feedback. The Atlantic cyclonic cases develop primarily from barotropic deformation and nonlinear eddy feedback. All four weather regime types decay primarily due to enhanced wave energy propagation away from the primary circulation anomaly. In some cases, regime decay is aided by decreasing positive contributions from barotropic deformation as the circulation anomaly attains a deformed horizontal shape. The current results 1) provide quantitative measures of the primary mechanisms responsible for weather regime transition and 2) demonstrate the utility of the extended PTD as a concise diagnostic paradigm for studying large-scale dynamical processes in the midlatitude troposphere.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Robert X. Black, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340. Email: rob.black@eas.gatech.edu

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