The detailed dynamic and thermodynamic space–time structures of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) as simulated by the superparameterized Community Atmosphere Model version 3.0 (SP-CAM) are analyzed. Superparameterization involves substituting conventional boundary layer, moist convection, and cloud parameterizations with a configuration of cloud-resolving models (CRMs) embedded in each general circulation model (GCM) grid cell. Unlike most GCMs that implement conventional parameterizations, the SP-CAM displays robust atmospheric variability on intraseasonal space and time (30–60 days) scales. The authors examine a 19-yr SP-CAM simulation based on the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project protocol, forced by prescribed sea surface temperatures. Overall, the space–time structures of MJO convective disturbances are very well represented in the SP-CAM. Compared to observations, the model produces a similar vertical progression of increased moisture, warmth, and heating from the boundary layer to the upper troposphere as deep convection matures. Additionally, important advective and convective processes in the SP-CAM compare favorably with those in observations. A deficiency of the SP-CAM is that simulated convective intensity organized on intraseasonal space–time scales is overestimated, particularly in the west Pacific. These simulated convective biases are likely due to several factors including unrealistic boundary layer interactions, a lack of weakening of the simulated disturbance over the Maritime Continent, and mean state differences.
Corresponding author address: Jim Benedict, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523–1371. Email: jim@atmos.colostate.edu