The spatial spreading of infinitesimal disturbances superposed on a turbulent baroclinic jet is explored. This configuration is representative of analysis errors in an idealized midlatitude storm track and the insight gained may be helpful to understand the spreading of forecast errors in numerical weather prediction models.
This problem is explored through numerical experiments of a turbulent baroclinic jet that is perturbed with spatially localized disturbances. Solutions from a quasigeostrophic model for the disturbance fields are compared with those for a passive tracer to determine whether disturbances propagate faster than the basic-state flow. Results show that the disturbance spreading rate is sensitive to the structure of the initial disturbance. Disturbances that are localized in potential vorticity (PV) have far-field winds that allow the disturbance to travel downstream faster than disturbances that are initially localized in geopotential, which have no far-field wind. Near the jet, the spread of the disturbance field is observed to exceed the tracer field for PV-localized disturbances, but not for the geopotential-localized disturbances. Spreading rates faster than the flow for geopotential-localized disturbances are found to occur only for disturbances located off the jet axis.
These results are compared with those for zonal and time-independent jets to qualitatively assess the effects of transience and nonlinearity. This comparison suggests that the average properties of localized perturbations to the turbulent jet can be decomposed into a superposition of dynamics associated with a time-independent parallel flow plus a “diffusion” process.