Large-Scale Dynamical Response to Subgrid-Scale Organization Provided by Cellular Automata

Lisa Bengtsson Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrköping, Sweden

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Heiner Körnich Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

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Erland Källén European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, United Kingdom

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Gunilla Svensson Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

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Because of the limited resolution of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, subgrid-scale physical processes are parameterized and represented by gridbox means. However, some physical processes are better represented by a mean and its variance; a typical example is deep convection, with scales varying from individual updrafts to organized mesoscale systems. This study investigates, in an idealized setting, whether a cellular automaton (CA) can be used to enhance subgrid-scale organization by forming clusters representative of the convective scales and thus yield a stochastic representation of subgrid-scale variability. The authors study the transfer of energy from the convective to the larger atmospheric scales through nonlinear wave interactions. This is done using a shallow water (SW) model initialized with equatorial wave modes. By letting a CA act on a finer resolution than that of the SW model, it can be expected to mimic the effect of, for instance, gravity wave propagation on convective organization. Employing the CA scheme permits the reproduction of the observed behavior of slowing down equatorial Kelvin modes in convectively active regions, while random perturbations fail to feed back on the large-scale flow. The analysis of kinetic energy spectra demonstrates that the CA subgrid scheme introduces energy backscatter from the smallest model scales to medium scales. However, the amount of energy backscattered depends almost solely on the memory time scale introduced to the subgrid scheme, whereas any variation in spatial scales generated does not influence the energy spectra markedly.

Corresponding author address: Lisa Bengtsson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI, SE-601 76, Norrköping, Sweden. E-mail:


Because of the limited resolution of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, subgrid-scale physical processes are parameterized and represented by gridbox means. However, some physical processes are better represented by a mean and its variance; a typical example is deep convection, with scales varying from individual updrafts to organized mesoscale systems. This study investigates, in an idealized setting, whether a cellular automaton (CA) can be used to enhance subgrid-scale organization by forming clusters representative of the convective scales and thus yield a stochastic representation of subgrid-scale variability. The authors study the transfer of energy from the convective to the larger atmospheric scales through nonlinear wave interactions. This is done using a shallow water (SW) model initialized with equatorial wave modes. By letting a CA act on a finer resolution than that of the SW model, it can be expected to mimic the effect of, for instance, gravity wave propagation on convective organization. Employing the CA scheme permits the reproduction of the observed behavior of slowing down equatorial Kelvin modes in convectively active regions, while random perturbations fail to feed back on the large-scale flow. The analysis of kinetic energy spectra demonstrates that the CA subgrid scheme introduces energy backscatter from the smallest model scales to medium scales. However, the amount of energy backscattered depends almost solely on the memory time scale introduced to the subgrid scheme, whereas any variation in spatial scales generated does not influence the energy spectra markedly.

Corresponding author address: Lisa Bengtsson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI, SE-601 76, Norrköping, Sweden. E-mail:
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