Impacts of Ice Clouds on GPS Radio Occultation Measurements

X. Zou Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, and Center of Data Assimilation for Research and Application, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China

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S. Yang Center of Data Assimilation for Research and Application, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China

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P. S. Ray Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

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Mathematical solutions accounting for the effects of liquid and ice clouds on the propagation of the GPS radio signals are first derived. The percentage contribution of ice water content (IWC) to the total refractivity increases linearly with the amount of IWC at a rate of 0.6 (g m−3)−1. Measurements of coincident profiles of IWC from CloudSat in deep convection during 2007–10 are then used for estimating the ice-scattering effects on GPS radio occultation (RO) measurements from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC). The percentage contribution of IWC to the total refractivity from CloudSat measurements is consistent with the theoretical model, reaching about 0.6% at 1 g m−3 IWC.

The GPS RO refractivity observations in deep convective clouds are found to be systematically greater than the refractivity calculated from the ECMWF analysis. The fractional N bias (GPS minus ECMWF) can be as high as 1.8% within deep convective clouds. Compared with ECMWF analysis, the GPS RO retrievals have a negative temperature bias and a positive water vapor bias, which is consistent with a positive bias in refractivity. The relative humidity calculated from GPS retrievals is usually as high as 80%–90% right above the 0°C temperature level in deep convection and is about 15%–30% higher than the ECMWF analysis. The majority of the data points in deep convection are located on the negative side of temperature differences and the positive side of relative humidity differences between GPS RO retrievals and ECMWF analysis.

Corresponding author address: Dr. X. Zou, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4520. E-mail:


Mathematical solutions accounting for the effects of liquid and ice clouds on the propagation of the GPS radio signals are first derived. The percentage contribution of ice water content (IWC) to the total refractivity increases linearly with the amount of IWC at a rate of 0.6 (g m−3)−1. Measurements of coincident profiles of IWC from CloudSat in deep convection during 2007–10 are then used for estimating the ice-scattering effects on GPS radio occultation (RO) measurements from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC). The percentage contribution of IWC to the total refractivity from CloudSat measurements is consistent with the theoretical model, reaching about 0.6% at 1 g m−3 IWC.

The GPS RO refractivity observations in deep convective clouds are found to be systematically greater than the refractivity calculated from the ECMWF analysis. The fractional N bias (GPS minus ECMWF) can be as high as 1.8% within deep convective clouds. Compared with ECMWF analysis, the GPS RO retrievals have a negative temperature bias and a positive water vapor bias, which is consistent with a positive bias in refractivity. The relative humidity calculated from GPS retrievals is usually as high as 80%–90% right above the 0°C temperature level in deep convection and is about 15%–30% higher than the ECMWF analysis. The majority of the data points in deep convection are located on the negative side of temperature differences and the positive side of relative humidity differences between GPS RO retrievals and ECMWF analysis.

Corresponding author address: Dr. X. Zou, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4520. E-mail:
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