While a robust theoretical framework for tropical cyclogenesis (TCG) within African easterly waves (AEWs) has recently been developed, little work explores the development of low-level meso-β-scale vortices (LLVs) and a meso-α-scale surface low in relation to deep convection and upper-tropospheric warming. In this study, the development of an LLV into Hurricane Julia (2010) is shown through a high-resolution model simulation with the finest grid size of 1 km. The results presented expand upon the connections between LLVs and the AEW presented in previous studies while demonstrating the importance of upper-tropospheric warming for TCG.
It is found that the significant intensification phase of Hurricane Julia is triggered by the pronounced upper-tropospheric warming associated with organized deep convection. The warming is able to intensify and expand during TCG owing to formation of a storm-scale outflow beyond the Rossby radius of deformation. Results confirm previous ideas by demonstrating that the intersection of the AEW's trough axis and critical latitude is a preferred location for TCG, while supplementing such work by illustrating the importance of upper-tropospheric warming and meso-α-scale surface pressure falls during TCG. It is shown that the meso-β-scale surface low enhances boundary layer convergence and aids in the bottom-up vorticity development of the meso-β-scale LLV. The upper-level warming is attributed to heating within convective bursts at earlier TCG stages while compensating subsidence warming becomes more prevalent once a mesoscale convective system develops.