Through successful convection-permitting simulations of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) using a high-resolution nonhydrostatic model, this study examines the role of peripheral convection in the storm's secondary eyewall formation (SEF) and its eyewall replacement cycle (ERC). The study demonstrates that before SEF the simulated storm intensifies via an expansion of the tangential winds and an increase in the boundary layer inflow, which are accompanied by peripheral convective cells outside the primary eyewall. These convective cells, which initially formed in the outer rainbands under favorable environmental conditions and move in an inward spiral, play a crucial role in the formation of the secondary eyewall. It is hypothesized that SEF and ERC ultimately arise from the convective heating released from the inward-moving rainbands, the balanced response in the transverse circulation, and the unbalanced dynamics in the atmospheric boundary layer, along with the positive feedback between these processes.