Warm-sector orographic precipitation in a midlatitude cyclone encountering a ridge is simulated in a “Cyc+Mtn” experiment. A second “Shear” simulation is conducted with horizontally uniform unidirectional flow over the same mountain having thermodynamic and cross-mountain wind profiles identical to those on the centerline in the “Cyc+Mtn” simulation. The relationship between integrated vapor transport (IVT) and orographic precipitation in the Mtn+Cyc case is consistent with observations, yet the same IVT in the Shear simulation produces far less precipitation. The difference between the precipitation rates in the Cyc+Mtn and Shear cases is traced to differences in the cross-mountain moisture-flux convergence and is further isolated to differences in the cross-mountain-velocity convergence over the windward slope. The winds at the ridge crest are stronger in the Shear case, leading to more velocity divergence and decreased moisture-flux convergence. The stronger ridge-crest winds in the Shear case are produced by a stronger mountain wave, which persists after being generated during the artificial startup of the Shear simulation. Initializing with a gradually ramped-up unidirectional flow and integrating to a quasi-steady state fails to adequately capture the processes regulating the leeside circulations. Even worse results are obtained if the shear flow is instantaneously accelerated from rest. An alternative microphysical explanation for the precipitation difference between the Cyc+Mtn and Shear simulations is examined using additional numerical experiments that enhance the seeder–feeder process. Although such enhancements increase precipitation, the increase is too small to account for the differences between the Cyc+Mtn and Shear simulations.
Significance Statement
Our results highlight the difficulty in conducting studies of mesoscale atmospheric circulations in isolation from their surrounding environment. This approach often allows for more computationally efficient and detailed analysis of the target phenomena by reducing the size of the computational domain. But, at least in the case of orographic precipitation, such isolation can significantly limit the realism of the simulated process.
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