A brief description is given of the Cyclone Game, a direct simulation of many of the operational aspects of the Perth Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre. The game's main purpose is to provide tropical-cyclone forecasters with additional operational experience and skills. It may also be used to familiarize others with some of the complexities of tropical-cyclone forecasting. The game is controlled by a microcomputer and may be played by one or a team of “forecasters.” It has a modular structure and is designed for easy modification to suit local requirements.
We suggest that microcomputer-based simulations of severe weather events, such as described in this paper, have considerable potential as an educational and training tool.
1 The “Focus on Forecasting” section of the Bulletin will be discontinued. The editors of Weather and Forecasting, a new AMS quarterly intended to serve its members who are engaged primarily in operational forecasting or who are in research that is directed toward better understanding of weather events that present significant operational forecast problems, will consider manuscripts that would have been submitted to “Focus on Forecasting.” Such manuscripts should be sent to Dr. Robert W. Burpee, coeditor of Weather and Forecasting, at: Hurricane Research Division, AMOL, 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149.
2 Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
3 Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.